Mission and Profile

Rockcliffe University Consortium is a global online organization dedicated to the advancement of service, education, and research in 3D virtual environments (S.E.R.V.E.) through collaborative “work-as-play” initiatives including networking, journals, conferences, forums, academic programs, research and development, and virtual prototyping. Our core competencies center on just-in-time education methods and best practices using virtual technologies.

Service and Education: Rockcliffe supports the advancement of service and education in 3d virtual environments by providing public education to help individuals and organizations overcoming the learning curve associated with virtual collaborative workspaces. Our services include forums, seminars, and educational programs on 3D content development, collaborative workspace effectiveness, and social implications of virtual environments. Specifically our focus is on how virtual environments influence knowledge emergence, knowledge transfer, and their impacts.

Research Outreach: Rockcliffe supports the advancement of research into virtual cognitive sciences and virtual environments through public services including our academic research library, peer review journals, and hybrid conferences involving live and virtual interaction.